I just experienced an issue when using Thrive Optimize after trying to create a new A/B split test that attempts to load an URL of the format "exampe.com/path-to-page/?thrive-variations=true".

The loaded page was just blank and I couldn’t create any new split test.

The reason for the error was a plugin conflict between

  • Thrive Themes (Thrive Optimize) and
  • W3 Total Cache.

Fortunately, the solution is simple:

Step 1: Log into WordPress.

Step 2: Click on the Performance tab on the left menu bar to open W3 Total Cache.

Step 3: On the sidebar under Performance, you’ll find Minify. Click it.

Step 4: Check "Disable minify for logged in users"

image 21

Step 5: Click "Save settings"

That’s it, you can now purge all caches and reload the A/B split test.

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