Last updated: December 28, 2023.
Consider the following HTML markup:
With the following styles applied via a CSS stylesheet:
.content {
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
background-color: #a52a2a;
In JavaScript, the styles applied to the
with the class name of
can be accessed using the globally available getComputedStyle()
The function accepts a HTML element and returns all its styling in object format:
// Select element to retrieve styling from:
const contentDiv = document.querySelector('.content');
// Pass element into getComputedStyle()
const contentDivStyles = getComputedStyle(contentDiv);
// CSSStyleDeclaration {...}
Individual CSS styles can be accessed by querying properties on the CSSStyleDeclaration
object using camel-case sytnax:
// ...after code abode:
console.log(contentDivStyles.width); // 200px
console.log(contentDivStyles.height); // 200px
console.log(contentDivStyles.backgroundColor); // rgb(165, 42, 42)
Inline styles
For inline styles, it is not necessary to run CSSStyleDeclaration
Instead, these can be accessed on the style
property of using camel case syntax.
For example, consider the following HTML:
With JavaScript, the inline styles applied to the
can be accessed directly on the element's
const contentDiv = document.querySelector('.content');
console.log(; // 200px
console.log(; // rgb(165, 42, 42)