Last updated: November 27, 2023.

You can use the JSZip library to extract file data from a zip file.

First, you need to import JSZip into your project, for example by inserting the following CDN link from cdnjs into your project before usage:

The data is output in blob format, which contains the raw file data.

The data could also come from a HTTP request.

In the below example, data is extracted from a zip file acquired from a fetch request:

.then(res => res.blob())
.then(data => {

function extractFiles(inputFiles) {
    .then(res => {
        for (key of Object.keys(res.files)) {
            .then(res => console.log(res) );

The nested handling of promises using .then() can be replaced by the await keyword by creating async functions:

async function getFile(url) {
    const res = await fetch(url);
    const data = await res.blob();
    return data;

async function extractFiles(inputFiles) {
    const res = await JSZip.loadAsync(inputFiles);
    const filesArray = [];
    for (key of Object.keys(res.files)) {
        const fileData = await res.files[key].async('blob');
    return filesArray;

(async () => {  
    const zip = await getFile('./');
    const filesArray = await extractFiles(zip);
    console.log(filesArray); // Array of the files

This code also has the advantage that the fetching of the file is now encapsulated in a reusable function, getFile().

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